I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the picture or the Gulf coast, my heart is sad at the result of this catastrophe in my home state, I wonder how many decades it will take to really see what has been done to our environment? I don't think most people will even think about the consequence to much longer than the oils well is capped, and probably only in passing conversations after a news cast. Everyone in agreement about the potential environmental effects. Or how British petroleum should pay, pay,pay!
   Being politically correct in this matter is irrelevant, in about 10 years we will not only see but realize some of those long term effects; whatever thy may be. In 20 years we will really see some long term effects, Famine perhaps? After all most of our wild life lives in the water. Already a big majority of wild life is wiped out, that means off the face of the earth by the way.

  And what about the people who depend on the fishing industry to survive? Who keeps that part of Louisiana from becoming even more economically challenged? BP? My dad called me the other day, and he says it's so quiet gone are the sounds of the frogs, crickets, birds, nothing is the same.